To Encourage Others - To Share My Heart - To Share Helpful Hints!

May this blog be an encouragement to you. I hope you will read this and know that what I have/will achieved is also possible for you. I hope to inspire you by sharing my journey of the ups and downs of weightloss with things that have helped me, and things that haven't. In return, I hope you will share with me.
God Bless,

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snowed In!

Well another day of snow. Couldn't go work out so I did my work out by shoveling snow! It wasn't too bad. Had a wonderful moment with God. Looked out over the valley and it was just Gorgeous! God reminded me that sometimes I just need to stop and admire Him. His handiwork shows us a little of who He is!

Back in the house, is food! LOL. Had a Girls Night last night. Out of 12 invited only 3 came. Since everyone of us were on diets, we only had good healthy food. Just A LOT of it! I made the meat roll ups with a twist. I used artichoke and spinach cream cheese, not plain. It was delicious! It was a nice relaxing evening. I have great friends!

I have had some hard times lately with cravings, but I have survived most of them. I did have a cheat day, Thursday. I ate some homemade chocolate chip cookies. But, I didn't condemn myself afterwards, because I only had 5 and they were small. I will allow one cheat day every two to three weeks.

Hope you all are safe and warm. Try not to eat too much!

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