To Encourage Others - To Share My Heart - To Share Helpful Hints!

May this blog be an encouragement to you. I hope you will read this and know that what I have/will achieved is also possible for you. I hope to inspire you by sharing my journey of the ups and downs of weightloss with things that have helped me, and things that haven't. In return, I hope you will share with me.
God Bless,

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Oh Well, who needs mirrors anyway!

Don't you hate it when you are feeling really good, and thinking to yourself, "I feel thinner today, in fact I am much better than yesterday!" and then as you are sitting somewhere and you look around and there in a reflective glass is the reflection of your HUGE body!! And you think, there is no way that is me! So you look again and low and behold, Oh it is you alright!! That happened to me today! I could have taken it one of two ways: 1) a reason to loathe myself or 2) with grace and realize, it may be my reflection, but it is not who I am! I chose the latter. Although, I did want to vomit...
I hate mirrors...they are constantly lying to me.

While you are waiting for the water in the shower to warm up, do 10 squats while keeping your tummy tucked in (and breathing). Then do 20 twists with your arms straight out to your sides (keep that tummy sucked in to your bellybutton - as my trainer always says). This helps you get ready for the day and reminds you keep it going.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Keeping it going!

I am almost at the 40 pound mark. For the first time ever, I can truly see myself thin. I know I will succeed. I did the elliptical today and lasted 12 minutes. Not bad for someone who could last only 8 minutes a week ago. Been working out and staying consistent on my diet...there is no going back to eating junk, processed foods. They taste nasty to me now. God truly has delivered me from that kind of eating! He gets all the glory! He has sent people at just the right moments to encourage and strengthen me in this "losing" journey.
I have decided to reward myself with a full body massage every 50 pounds I lose. I used to turn to "nondiet" foods, like ice cream, brownies and such, but I have just incorporated them into my diet on occasion. But truth be told, I don't eat that but maybe once a month, and I don't miss it.
I love how my body is shaping up too. I love being able to squat down and pick things up! I love not having to have someone else do things for me cause my health or body fat won't let me! AND it is just going to get better!!!!
I see others in the gym at work (students) who need the same routine as I have and want so badly to help them, but I also know I wouldn't want someone walking up to me and saying, "I can help you lose weight!" AS IF!  lol. I have to keep reminding myself, I still need help too! I have not made it yet... I will though, watch out world, Judi is almost back!