To Encourage Others - To Share My Heart - To Share Helpful Hints!

May this blog be an encouragement to you. I hope you will read this and know that what I have/will achieved is also possible for you. I hope to inspire you by sharing my journey of the ups and downs of weightloss with things that have helped me, and things that haven't. In return, I hope you will share with me.
God Bless,

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

New Recipe

Okay I know this might sound sickening to some of you, but I have a new recipe for Turkey Sliders! It involves Hummus and Cucumbers. They are low in fat and calories, so it is good for me to eat. And who knows, I might just like them. Which would be a plus since I have not been making smart choices lately. Not that I am eating bad for me foods, just not eating food period because I don't know what to eat that will satisfy my silly stubborn tastebuds! 

Oh and I have decided that laying off of chocolate for two weeks (oh my gosh!!!!!!) will be the best thing for me. I just need to stay away from sugar period to get my flavor savors in check and cleansed.

Will be walking tonight hopefully and maybe some elliptical. Need to start whipping up on my fat! If it don't like it, it can just leave! (please let it leave!!!)

Anyway, if the Sliders work out I will post the recipe.  Stay tuned...

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