To Encourage Others - To Share My Heart - To Share Helpful Hints!

May this blog be an encouragement to you. I hope you will read this and know that what I have/will achieved is also possible for you. I hope to inspire you by sharing my journey of the ups and downs of weightloss with things that have helped me, and things that haven't. In return, I hope you will share with me.
God Bless,

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Fear will stop forward motion!

I am 94 pounds down...I have been on a plateau for 6 month now. My trainer is trying different things and exercises. I guess my body is adjusting to the new size and level. God is teaching me new things about myself. For instance, I have now come to realize, I have had a lot of fears: Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of the dark, fear of heights, fear of not being important, fear of being too pretty (vanity I know - keep reading, I will explain), fear of being not pretty enough, fear of not being smart enough, fear of not sounding smart enough, fear of the unknown, fear of older two story houses (they could burn down and I would get stuck up there!) and many more ridiculous, irrational fears.

God is teaching me that these fears - as insane and irrational as they are- are stopping me from going forward in my weightloss and that to go forward and sustain my weightloss I need to get rid of them.  For example, my fear of being too pretty - I know right!!- is a true fear for me because...well, okay I am about to make a confession here - while I love and adore my husband, he is not the most - {deep breath} - affectionate. He doesn't necessarily think it important to tell me - out loud, with words - that I am attractive to him. But boy does he love to receive it! AND if you have ever read The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts By: Gary Chapman - a book I highly recommend - you will know the that one of the love languages is "Words of Affirmation". That is my #1 love language and it is the one language my husband refuses - yes refuses, not just being stubborn, but absolutely resolved never to do. 

I am a moderately attractive woman and the thinner I become, the better I look - in my overly confident, not so humble opinion. Which is where the fear comes from. You see, others are telling me how great and pretty I look...not just women. It is hard for me for two reasons.

First, when it comes from a handsome man, -to be honest - I am tempted and wonder why my husband doesn't say those kind words.  I mean really, would it kill him? or I think 'he just doesn't love me enough to actually feel those words are true.' You know what I mean? Does he think it, but not enough to let me know? While another man feels so strongly that he tells me...Not that I think every man who tells me 'is in love with me!" I don't, but why doesn't my husband when he knows how important to my psyche it is. It is a dark place I hate to be in, and I don't like it! But God is working on my husband and me. 

Secondly, what if I fall back into the trap I was in before when I was thin. It was a dangerous, dark pit! Basically, my thought process was 'All I have are my looks; I am not smart, I am not athletic, all I have to get by is my cute figure and good looks'. AND boy did I use them. I can admit that shamefully I did use my cute blonde hair/blue-eyes look to manipulate situations to get what I wanted...and it worked 99% of the time - and still does. Because lets face it - the world loves a pretty face and favors them! God brought me out of that stinkin' thinkin' and showed me I was more than just my looks. I am smart and I don't have to be fearful or intimidated by others I view as intelligent or successful. However, it is so easy to go back to that thought process, when I am around highly educated people. It doesn't help that I work at a college, where there are many who have much more education than I.

I guess really, that this is the biggest fear that I need to get rid of. However, a close second would be the fear of failure. I don't want to fail at this. I give all glory of this weightloss to God who has been my strength and help. I don't want to disappoint Him.  Even worse have others think that God just wasn't enough for me, so He won't be enough for them. HE is enough! Wow! Just typing that really helped me see how ridiculous that is! Hahahaha! He is enough! ALWAYS!!! I am victorious in Him! AND you are too!

Okay, thats enough for today. I have walked 5 miles and posted on my blog, so now its time to spend some time cleaning my house! lol, it is messy and it doesn't look like anyone else is willing to clean it - so its up to me. I hope you have a great day and that just maybe I have helped you in some small way.


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