To Encourage Others - To Share My Heart - To Share Helpful Hints!

May this blog be an encouragement to you. I hope you will read this and know that what I have/will achieved is also possible for you. I hope to inspire you by sharing my journey of the ups and downs of weightloss with things that have helped me, and things that haven't. In return, I hope you will share with me.
God Bless,

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wrong Question - Part II

So you know the real reason you need to start losing weight and you have the some of the knowledge to do it.
I say "some" cause you need to get some more knowledge on what is healthy for your body. Some exercises may be too strenuous for your body. For me I just started walking. Once a week I walked a mile. Then two miles. Then twice a week. Then three times a week. I also cut back on eating. I started paying attention to portion sizes. It was extremely hard the first three weeks really. I felt deprived and hungry. But I wasn't really hungry, I just thought I was, so I learned to drink water instead of eating more food.
That worked for me. I went and got a wonderful trainer to teach me exercises and to keep me accountable and encouraged. Along with a trainer I got a nutritionalist who is teaching me how to eat. You may not be able to do that, but the internet is filled with great healthy info.
Find a person to keep you accountable. Preferably someone who has been through it. Someone whose been through it can give you tips and they know the struggles. They can sympathize with you. But it is good to have someone who will also tell you like it is and not give in to you.
You have found your motivation and the answer to why. Write it down and keep that in your mind everytime you want to cheat or quit. Don't quit. Don't give-up. It will come off. It will be a slow process at times, it may even stall, but it will come off. 1 pound at a time. 2 lbs a week is good!! and any weightloss a week is good!

Now....just DO IT! Go ahead, start walking....

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Wrong Question - Part I

This is a message God gave me yesterday that I just started preaching out loud to myself when no one else was home. Please note God gets all the glory for this. He gave this to me to empower me. I pray it will do the same for you.

When someone asks me "How did you lose weight?", I have learned that they are asking the wrong question. Because honestly, when you think about it, everyone knows HOW to lose weight. Everyone. Two words. Diet & Exercise. That is how. You aren't going to be able to do it any other way and have success losing and keeping it off! It just ain't gonna happen.

So then what is the question that should be asked? I am convinced, from my past experiences that it should be "Why did you lose the weight?" or to make it more personal, which is what needs to be done, one should ask, "Why do I need to lose the weight?". Why do you need to? Why do you want to? What is your reason? Is it to look good? Is it to be healthier? Maybe you need to go deeper. What is the real reason you look at people who are thin or have lost weight and feel that longing to be like them? Is it so you can feel better physically? Is it so you will be around to see your kids graduate? Get married? Is it to be able to see your grandkids not only grow up but play with them before they do grow up? Or could it be even more personal, like, so you will fit into your spouse's arms? Maybe you need to lose the weight because you know you are not able to physically do what you are called to do. Are you not able to fulfill your purpose because of too much extra weight or you aren't physically in shape? 

What is your "Why?" Until you are able to answer that question openly and honestly you will continue to try and fail at losing weight or getting in shape. Think about it. Pray about it. Ask the One who knows all things to reveal it to you.  And be ready to do some hard looking at your life. 

When you have the answer read Part II.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Encouragement for the Soul

“I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.” Harriet Tubman

I was a slave to my food addiction, but I didn't know it.  I would do whatever it wanted me to do. I never said no, but always thought I was in control. Some control, I coward in front of cake. I whined for lack of chocolate. I was no match for the power of food, and had no idea what a stronghold it was to me.


I am freed in the name of Jesus Christ, who is my strength!! I don't have to bow to my addictions anymore. I no longer have to feel ashamed and weak. I am not strong in my own strength but in the Creator of all things, Jehovah God. He is my strength; He is my provider; He is my healer. He has broken my chains of slavery, for I was in bondage to food, and has set me free. 
Free to live my life on purpose! With a purpose! For a purpose! Praise be to Him alone!

-Just had to share that! 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


As the title denotes, I have really been struggling! And then lying to myself that I am not. I am! I don't want to give up. I just really don't know what else to do. In doing nothing I kinda have given up. Been slipping on my diet. Just a small bit everyday, but it is everyday. I tell myself that it isn't that bad, but it is. It starts with a little bit and grows from there. I also tell myself not to be so hard on myself, I will get back on course, but I haven't gotten back on course and it has been over two weeks!! I lie and say, Tomorrow, I will get back on it Tomorrow....but tomorrow never comes.

Please pray tomorrow comes soon!